News 19 Mar. 2008

Congratulations to Curtis' Director of Business Development, Andrea Stimmel

Congratulations to Curtis' Director of Business Development, Andrea Stimmel, whose work was recently recognized with a first place “Your Honor Award” at the Legal Marketing Association's Annual Conference in Los Angeles.Andrea was honored for her role as president of the LMA's New York chapter last year when it presented a webinar on “The Ins and Outs of the Revised New York Advertising Rules.” The award was given to the New York chapter for its unique use of a new technology and for the impact that the program had on its intended audiences.The LMA, which represents more than 3000 marketing professionals at law firms across the U.S., cited “the great job using the webinar format to impart information quickly and conveniently on important new rules and regulations.”The program was put together in response to the many questions raised by the changes last year in New York State's advertising rules for attorneys. 'The program - and its advance publicity and public relations - communicated a wealth of information on the new laws, noted the LMA. “The advance work was impressive and helped spur attendance at the webinar.”The chapter's marketing efforts for the webinar, led by Andrea, included ads in key publications, a panel discussion for the New York City Bar with FAQs distributed to the more than 300 attorneys in attendance; articles distributed to local press; and booklets on related topics distributed to key audiences.