News 20 Apr. 2011

James Harbridge, Partner (Oman), Contributing Monthly to Oman Economic Review

Partner James Harbridge has become a regular contributor to the Oman Economic Review, the leading business publication in the Sultanate of Oman. He is writing a series of 12 monthly columns on significant legal issues concerning Oman.

Two of the articles have already been published:

• "Courts versus Arbitration" (March 2011) - an explanation of how Oman’s Arbitration Law provides a viable alternative to having a dispute heard by the Omani courts. (

• "The Complexity of Jurisdiction" (January 2011) – a look at the often overlooked clause of jurisdiction when drafting contracts. (

All the articles will also be posted on the firm’s Oman blog, which now has a new web address:

Please visit the blog today to read the first in the series of articles.