Publications February 26, 2016

Brexit - What next for business in the UK?

With a Brexit referendum date now set for June 23rd, 2016, businesses operating in the UK are facing important questions around the commercial, legal, and regulatory implications of a possible UK exit from the European Union. Although estimates on the volume of UK legislation originating in Brussels vary wildly (anywhere from 15 - 50%), it is widely agreed that a vote in favour of Brexit would considerably alter the way in which businesses can operate in the UK.

Curtis' Brexit advisory team, comprising lawyers with broad experience in regulatory and business systems, is available to assist clients in understanding the possible implications of Brexit on their business, and to help them prepare for the future - whichever way the vote goes!

The Curtis Brexit Client Newsletter provides information on the following areas:

• Why does Brexit matter?
• What are the potential consequences of Brexit on businesses operating in the UK?
• How can your business prepare?
o Access to the Single Market
o Financial Services and Markets
o Governing law of contracts and forum of disputes