Event 29 Nov. 2022

Curtis Partners Borzu Sabahi and Claudia Frutos-Peterson to Participate in Panels at Third Edition of Washington Arbitration Week

On Wednesday, November 30th, Curtis Partner Claudia Frutos-Peterson will participate in a panel on “Fair and Equitable Treatment and Denial of Justice: Violations of international treaty obligations by domestic courts?” for the third edition of the Washington Arbitration Week. The panel will be moderated by International Arbitrator Todd Weiler, and will feature Sara Mansour Fallah of Vienna University as a speaker alongside Claudia, among others. Partner Borzu Sabahi is also participating in the Washington Arbitration Week. He will be moderating a panel entitled "Working With Your Expert: How to Draft the Damages Section of a Memorial and Work with the Damages Expert in Preparation of the Hearing? (Practical Session)”. The Panel, which takes place on Thursday, December 1st, will feature Julie Carey of NERA as a speaker, among others.

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