News 24 May. 2022

Curtis Sponsors New ASIL Prize for Best Article in International Dispute Resolution

Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle is pleased to co-sponsor the inaugural “Prize for Best Article in International Dispute Resolution,” created by the American Society of International Law’s Dispute Resolution Interest Group. The prize was announced during the ASIL Annual Meeting on April 7, 2022, by ASIL DRIG co-chairs Simon Batifort and Rémy Gerbay.

The inaugural prize will be awarded at the ASIL 2023 Annual Meeting, and includes a certificate of recognition, a complimentary registration for the 2023 ASIL Annual Meeting, a complimentary one-year membership in the Society, and a complimentary one-year subscription to the Jus Mundi international law and arbitration search engine.

For more information, including nomination details, please visit

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