Publications 05 Dec. 2024

Mohannad El Murtadi Suleiman Publishes an Article on Interim Measures in the American Review of International Arbitration (ARIA)

Partner Mohannad El Murtadi Suleiman contributed an article to Vol. 35, No.1 of the American Review of International Arbitration at Columbia Law School, titled “Interim Measures of Protection: Maintaining the Status Que."

The article examines the justifications for lowering the standards for granting interim measures in international arbitrations by some arbitral tribunals and concludes that none justifies lowering the standards. It then provides possible ways to deal with the tension that usually arises in interim measures applications between the desire to protect the parties’ rights pending the case’s final resolution and the risk of reaching a decision that prejudices those rights.

For more information about the article, click here.

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