Event 18 Sep. 2023

Partner Simon Batifort and Counsel Lise Johnson Teach at CCSI Executive Training for Government Officials

Partner Simon Batifort and Counsel Lise Johnson will speak as part of the Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment’s Executive Training on Investment Treaties and Arbitration.

Mr. Batifort’s session, which focuses on assessing and mitigating the risk of investor-State dispute settlement (ISDS), will take place on September 19, 2023. Mr. Batifort will address the question of calculation of damages in ISDS.

On September 21, Lise Johnson will discuss Emerging Trends and Practices in Treaty Drafting. On September 22, Ms. Johnson will speak on two panels: “A Multilateral Instrument to Implement Reforms” and “Treaty Termination and Withdrawal of Consent to Arbitrate”

More information on Columbia Center for Sustainable Investment’s Executive Training on Investment Treaties and Arbitration for Government Officials can be found here.

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