News 22 Jul. 2019

Partner Simon Batifort to Serve on the American Society of International Law's 2020 Annual Meeting Committee

New York partner Simon Batifort has been selected to serve on the committee in charge of planning the 114thAnnual Meeting of the American Society of International Law (ASIL), which will take place on April 1-4, 2020 in Washington, D.C. The ASIL Annual Meeting, which is one of the most highly reputed international law conferences, will follow the theme of “The Promise of International Law,” and will bring together policy makers, practitioners, academics, and students to reflect on the successes and failures of international law. As a member of the Annual Meeting Committee, Mr. Batifort will play an integral role in planning the sessions for the Meeting, including reviewing proposals for session topics, shaping their content, and identifying speakers and moderators. For more information click here.

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