Event 14 Jul. 2020

Partners Simon Batifort and Claudia Frutos-Peterson speak at Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment's Virtual Executive Training on Investment Treaties and Arbitration for Government Officials

Partners Simon Batifort and Claudia Frutos-Peterson will speak at this year’s Virtual Executive Training on Investment Treaties and Arbitration for Government Officials, hosted by the Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment online from July 13-24.

Dr. Frutos-Peterson’s session, which will take place on Thursday, July 16, will explore issues including “Expropriation; National Treatment; Most-Favored Nation Treatment.” On Friday, July 17, Mr. Batifort will discuss “Defenses and Exceptions under Treaties and Customary International Law; New Models and Approaches.”

This year’s Executive Training is an online course comprising both pre-recorded lectures and live discussions with leading experts, and is designed to provide instruction for governments around the world facing complex and pressing issues relating to their international investment treaties. Attendees include government officials from over 60 countries worldwide.

Click here to read the full program agenda.

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