News 28 Mar. 2014

Chairman George Kahale Delivers Keynote Address at Juris Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference

Curtis chairman George Kahale III delivered the keynote address at the 8th Annual Juris Investment Treaty Arbitration Conference held in Washington, D.C. on March 28. The conference focused around the theme, “New Developments in Investment Treaty Arbitration: A Return to Fundamentals?” It addressed the latest developments in investment treaty arbitration with a focus on the fundamental issues that have drawn some of the greatest controversies in the jurisprudence over the past few years. His address became the subject of a major article in Global Arbitration Review.

Curtis counsel Kate Brown de Vejar and associate Fernando Tupa participated in the opening session, “Challenges to Arbitrators: Should the challenge process be overhauled?” Curtis associate Borzu Sabahi was Co-Chair of the conference.