Event 14 Jan. 2025

Claudia Frutos-Peterson to speak at 13th ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration

Managing partner of Curtis' Washington, D.C. office, Claudia Frutos-Peterson, will be speaking at the 13th ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration in Houston.

The panel will address the topic; 'Have Stabilization Clauses Lost Their Luster?', which will consider how stabilization clauses have developed in recent years and whether such clauses remain effective tools to protect investors from changes in a host State’s laws. The panel will discuss what makes stabilization clauses effective and whether statutory stabilization provisions (or other protections) can provide similar protection in the face of increasing legal and regulatory changes by host State.

The conference, hosted by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration, Institute for Energy Law (The Center for American and International Law) and The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce is taking place from January 16th-17th and Dr. Frutos-Peterson will be speaking on the17th from 2-3pm.

More information is available here.

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