News 07 Jun. 2021

Public Interest Organization Highlights Curtis’ Pro Bono Supreme Court Case

Today, Equally American, a non-profit organization advocating for the equal treatment of residents of U.S. territories, launched a webpage dedicated to Curtis’ Supreme Court pro bono case, United States v. Vaello Madero. Last year, Curtis secured a historic equal protection victory in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit on behalf of Curtis client José Luis Vaello Madero. The First Circuit ruled that Congress could not exclude otherwise eligible individuals from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program simply because of their status as residents of Puerto Rico, a U.S. territory. The First Circuit’s decision has far reaching consequences for residents of other U.S. territories. The Supreme Court rejected the United States’ request to have that decision summarily reversed based on longstanding Supreme Court precedent and instead granted full review.

Equally American launched the case page today to coincide with the United States’ filing of its opening brief in the Supreme Court. The webpage includes a summary of the case and links to all major court filings, as well as ongoing media coverage and other related resources. Visit the United States v. Vaello Madero case page at Please click here for previous coverage of this case.

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